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The soul of this project


Julia Armbruster

Psychologist (B.Sc)

shamanic healer (zert.)

inspiration, trust, authenticity



>> 2014 - 2018

Study of psychology, degree in psychology (B.Sc)

>> 2019

psychologist for "sehatvan forest therapy retreat" in Bophal, India

>> 2020 - 2022

specialist for integration of people with physical and/or psychological impairment

>> 2021-2023

education and training as a shamanic healer

>> since 2023

  • self-employed psychologist (B.Sc) for "Inspiration to heal"

  • psychologist (B.Sc.) for the german help organisation "Krisenchat"

>> since 2024

  •  psychologist (B.Sc) for intern psychological counseling at Bold academy


Further education and training:

>> 2024 Advanced training on (domestic) violence and support system

>> 2021 Advanced training as a systemic coach

>> 2021 Advanced training in breathing therapy and its different approaches

>> 2018 Advanced training on garden and landscape therapy in the integrative method 


Inspiration to heal - Julia Armbruster - 2023

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